The competitive nature of some ChilliFM North East staff members reared it's ugly head at the St Helens Athletic Carnival last weekend.
There may have been blood. There was definitely grass stains. There was drama. The result is in dispute.
ChilliFM North East on-air announcer Nicholas Greer and Promotions Manager, Hayley Beaumont had a minor argument about who might be fastest over the 120meter Gift distance at the Carnival. Nick had no doubt. Hayley had a smile.
Tasmanian Athletic League officials kindly agreed to add them to the field in the 'Footballers Gift'... and this is how it panned out.
Thank you so much ChilliFM North East for helping to make a great Carnival even better.
Please thank Hayley and Nick for being such good sports and let Nick know that vinegar is a very effective way to remove grass stains! See you next year.