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Oldest Winners? Running. Cycling. Chopping. Anything.

When Danny Clark was asked to give us a song at the end of the Tour of Tasmania in 2000... he started off explaining how he’d beaten the Russian Olympian he’d broken away with, to win the stage into Hobart.

According to Danny, (may or may not be true) when they arrived at the waterfront there was no turn marshal at the final left-hander. Danny pointed straight ahead toward the Grand Chancellor Hotel and said “that’s your Hotel over there” and promptly turned left and won the sprint on his own!!

He was 49 years old and he may still have been able to out-sprint the Russian Pursuit Rider, but why take the risk?

Which got me wondering. Who is the oldest rider to win a Wheelrace at the Carnivals.

I don’t have a clue. Throw some names at us.

Incidentally the field in that Tour included the full Teams Pursuit squads from Germany and Russia for the 2000 Olympics. Germany won with Russia qualifying for the finals and finishing 8th. Australia 5th.

He sang, ‘I did it my way’ if you weren’t there. Apt.

Tere will be something big happen at this year's Carnivals. We doin't know what it is, but there WILL be something.

Don't miss it, whatever it is. Come and make a noise. See if anyone recognises you. Laugh at an old rival that hasn't aged as well as you have :)

Rosebery Dec 16. Hobart Dec 27. Launceston Dec 28. Devonport Dec 29. Ulverstone Dec 30. Burnie Dec 31 and St Helens Jan 20.

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