“I tried netball... but cried when I had to tuck my t-shirt into my skirt... and never came back for another season. I also went to one little athletics day.... and cried until mum took me home. We never went back there either.”
Thanks Lauren’s mum! Tasmanian cycling spectators are pretty damn thrilled that there’s another Tasmanian World Champion at our Carnivals showing the world what we can do... what some of us can do anyway. Not many of us... but some.
Junior World Champ twice!!!
World Cup Gold Medallist!!!
11 times national champion!!! Not a typo... that’s eleven times
Represented Australia on the road AND the track!
Has never won the Burnie Wheelrace. You read that right... never won it!!!
She quietly says “that’s something I’d like to win one day” but you can see the fire in her eyes when she says it.
Grab a beer! Come and cheer!
THIS could be THE YEAR!
Look at that photo! Two of Australia’s absolute best, two-wide in a sprinter’s lane that's barely wide enough for one pair of handlebars and our Tassie star NOT... GIVING... AN... INCH!!!
That’s what you can expect in Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie... and maybe the Criterium in Ulverstone too.
Super proud to call her ours! Massively grateful that she’s here!!
We hope you get to meet here. Ferocity itself on the bike... a more pleasant human you will not meet off it.
Bring an autograph pad!
Bring some noise!!
Bring a mad mate that likes to shout at other people doing all the work!